The Behavioral Intervention Plan

The Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) contains the positive behavioral interventions, supports and strategies that the IEP Team, parents and other knowledgeable professionals develop to address the behavior of a student when that behavior "impedes the child's learning and that of others" 34 CFR 300.324 development, review and revision of IEP (a)(2)(i).

The important characteristics of positive behavioral supports and interventions reflect the integration of behavioral science, practical interventions and social values. Behavioral science has contributed a scientific view of human behavior that tries to identify the environmental, physical, developmental and cognitive factors that influence how a person behaves. From behavioral science studies practical interventions and strategies have been introduced that are effective for preventing and reducing problem behavior. Perhaps the most important of these is the use of the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to ensure that the plans developed are individualized, comprehensive, relevant and durable. Social values are also important in defining acceptable types of intervention procedures. No intervention should cause pain, tissue damage or humiliation to children and their families. The goal of positive behavioral supports and interventions is more than control of problem behavior; it also includes the enhancement of each student's living and learning choices.

Information adapted from Applying Positive Behavioral Support and Functional Behavioral Assessment in Schools. A publication of the OSEP Center on Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon, 1999.

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